Serving San Diego County and nearby areas


Father's Day

Dad loves a twist of lemon in his martinis. He'll always have one close at hand.

In Memory of Snickers, the Best Dog Ever

"It's a comfort to watch this tree grow bigger and more beautiful each year - such a great way to remember our good boy, Snickers." ~ Johnston Family

Memorial Tree Honors a True Hero

He was a Navy Chaplain and community leader. This lovely lemon tree honors his memory.

The Perfect Housewarming Gift

A housewarming gift from her Realtor. "The lemon tree made my new patio beautiful and my new house feels like home. Thanks!" ~ Jenny Tsoulos

Winner, winner!

Lucky Samantha won this beautiful lemon Patio Tree at Encinitas Environment Day.

Planting love. Growing memories.

Rachel is so proud of her very own 'Red Baron' peach tree!

Isabelle's Double Delight

Isabelle's mom selected the wonderful 'Double Delight' nectarine for her along with a 'Fuji' apple for her brother.


Baby Parker's Peach Tree click here to see the amazing growth of Tree #1

Here's where it all started - with Baby Parker's peach tree, planted February of 2010. He's a big boy now and his 'Eva's Pride' peach has grown up too. Along the way, Mom and Dad brought home a little brother, Trevor. And the tree has grown over the back fence where neighborhood kids can pick peaches when they skate, bike and walk by. It's Parker's very own tree, but he loves to share with everybody.

"Parker is so proud to have a tree of his own. He loves to take care of it and he loves to eat the peaches!" ~ Kelly & Barin Delatorre